쏙쏙숫자놀이 HD - 수세기 app for iPhone and iPad
※ Math for kids is game to learning Numbers
■ Features & Contents
1.My friends Numbers
Learning Number with various things which closed daily life.
- There is a TV. One
- There are two pillows. Two
- There are three eggs. Three
- There are four chairs. Four
- There are five dolls. Five
- There are six toy cars. Six
- There are seven chocolates. Seven
- There are eight crayons. Eight
- There are nine breads. Nine
- There are ten candies. Ten
2. Doing laundry
Learning Counting Number with laundry game.
Lets put your laundry in the washing machine~
Lets hang your laundry out~
-One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
3. Dress-up
Dress-up pretty cloth on character.
I would like to wear the third dress~
-First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth
■ report & partnership: cs@hyonga.com